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  • Frugl Group (FGL) has experienced a 37 per cent increase in total users since version 2.0 of its frugl app was launched
  • The frugl app allows users to compare the cost of products between supermarkets such as Coles and Woolworths to create a store-specific shopping list
  • Version 2.0 was launched on September 1 and includes in-app sharing and a widget to compare cost per 100g/ml
  • Further, after it was aired on the Channel 9 News, the frugl app’s auto-scaling capabilities were placed under considerable pressure
  • Under this increased load, the Amazon Web Services servers automatically launched a new server to manage the increase in traffic
  • Frugl is steady on the market and shares are currently trading for 3.3 cents each

Frugl Group (FGL) has experienced a 37 per cent increase in total users since version 2.0 of its frugl app was launched.

The frugl app allows users to compare the cost of products between supermarkets such as Coles and Woolworths to create a store-specific shopping list.

It analyses consumer behaviour in real-time, and evaluates shifts in product merchandising and price changes across more than 60,000 different products.

Frugl launched version 2.0 on September 1 after implementing customer feedback on how to improve user experience.

The Frugl app
Source: Frugl

New features include a widget to compare cost per 100g/ml, and in-app sharing to prompt new downloads.

Since version 2.0 was launched, total users have increased 37 per cent from 13,060 to 17,888.

Further, after it was aired on the Channel 9 News, the frugl app’s auto-scaling capabilities were placed under considerable pressure.

Under this increased load, the Amazon Web Services servers automatically launched a new server to manage the increase in traffic.

“It’s clear from recent interest from both Channel 9 and Channel 7 television networks that frugl is increasingly being seen as the foremost independent commentator on the national grocery industry,” Managing Director Sean Smith said.

“The recent interest from national media networks is timely as we commence marketing and user growth activities which will fuel the growth of the shopper behaviour database and facilitate the commercialisation of our retail and customer analytics capability,” he added.

Frugl is steady on the market and shares are trading for 3.3 cents each at 12:35 pm AEST.

FGL by the numbers
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